Where else does the Shulchan Aruch quote an authority by name?Parashat Metzora+HagadolPesach/PassoverShulchan Aruch UTF-8Anonymous glosses in the Shulchan AruchWhy is the Shulchan Aruch definitive?Siman 32, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch: UntranslatedLitvaks/Yeshivish and Shulchan AruchBuying a Shulchan AruchEnglish version of SHULCHAN ARUCHIs there any place where Shulchan Aruch rules with the Rosh against the Rif and Rambam?Are there practices where Sepharadim do not hold by Shulchan Aruch?5th part of the shulchan aruch
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Where else does the Shulchan Aruch quote an authority by name?
Parashat Metzora+HagadolPesach/PassoverShulchan Aruch UTF-8Anonymous glosses in the Shulchan AruchWhy is the Shulchan Aruch definitive?Siman 32, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch: UntranslatedLitvaks/Yeshivish and Shulchan AruchBuying a Shulchan AruchEnglish version of SHULCHAN ARUCHIs there any place where Shulchan Aruch rules with the Rosh against the Rif and Rambam?Are there practices where Sepharadim do not hold by Shulchan Aruch?5th part of the shulchan aruch
Generally speaking, R' Yosef Karo doesn't quote authorities by name in his Shulchan Aruch, but rather focuses on what the halacha is in the Shulchan Aruch and leaves the various opinions and rationales to be explained in his Beis Yosef.
In going through Hilchos Pesach, I stumbled upon the first exception I've seen to this, in OC 460:2 (translation is Sefaria's):
הרא"ש היה משתדל במצת מצוה ועומד על עשיית' ומזרז העוסקים ומסייע בהן בעריכתן
The R"ASH would personally deliberate on the Matzot Mitzvah and oversee the production, inspire those working and assisting them in the flattening [of the dough].
Is this unique in the Shulchan Aruch, or are there other places where he refers to an authority by name?
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Generally speaking, R' Yosef Karo doesn't quote authorities by name in his Shulchan Aruch, but rather focuses on what the halacha is in the Shulchan Aruch and leaves the various opinions and rationales to be explained in his Beis Yosef.
In going through Hilchos Pesach, I stumbled upon the first exception I've seen to this, in OC 460:2 (translation is Sefaria's):
הרא"ש היה משתדל במצת מצוה ועומד על עשיית' ומזרז העוסקים ומסייע בהן בעריכתן
The R"ASH would personally deliberate on the Matzot Mitzvah and oversee the production, inspire those working and assisting them in the flattening [of the dough].
Is this unique in the Shulchan Aruch, or are there other places where he refers to an authority by name?
I’d imagine opinions are cited by tefilin
– Dr. Shmuel
1 hour ago
There are dozens of such examples
– Double AA♦
50 mins ago
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Generally speaking, R' Yosef Karo doesn't quote authorities by name in his Shulchan Aruch, but rather focuses on what the halacha is in the Shulchan Aruch and leaves the various opinions and rationales to be explained in his Beis Yosef.
In going through Hilchos Pesach, I stumbled upon the first exception I've seen to this, in OC 460:2 (translation is Sefaria's):
הרא"ש היה משתדל במצת מצוה ועומד על עשיית' ומזרז העוסקים ומסייע בהן בעריכתן
The R"ASH would personally deliberate on the Matzot Mitzvah and oversee the production, inspire those working and assisting them in the flattening [of the dough].
Is this unique in the Shulchan Aruch, or are there other places where he refers to an authority by name?
Generally speaking, R' Yosef Karo doesn't quote authorities by name in his Shulchan Aruch, but rather focuses on what the halacha is in the Shulchan Aruch and leaves the various opinions and rationales to be explained in his Beis Yosef.
In going through Hilchos Pesach, I stumbled upon the first exception I've seen to this, in OC 460:2 (translation is Sefaria's):
הרא"ש היה משתדל במצת מצוה ועומד על עשיית' ומזרז העוסקים ומסייע בהן בעריכתן
The R"ASH would personally deliberate on the Matzot Mitzvah and oversee the production, inspire those working and assisting them in the flattening [of the dough].
Is this unique in the Shulchan Aruch, or are there other places where he refers to an authority by name?
asked 2 hours ago
I’d imagine opinions are cited by tefilin
– Dr. Shmuel
1 hour ago
There are dozens of such examples
– Double AA♦
50 mins ago
add a comment |
I’d imagine opinions are cited by tefilin
– Dr. Shmuel
1 hour ago
There are dozens of such examples
– Double AA♦
50 mins ago
I’d imagine opinions are cited by tefilin
– Dr. Shmuel
1 hour ago
I’d imagine opinions are cited by tefilin
– Dr. Shmuel
1 hour ago
There are dozens of such examples
– Double AA♦
50 mins ago
There are dozens of such examples
– Double AA♦
50 mins ago
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2 Answers
Here's a double naming in hilchos muktza:
הרשב"א מתיר לטלטל האיצטרלו"ב בשבת וכן ספרי החכמה ולדעת הרמב"ם יש להסתפק בדבר:
This one always stands out in my mind as the basis of the machlokes is arguably not in line with what we would say is each rabbi's philosophy about science.
– user6591
1 hour ago
First thing to pop on my mind
– sam
1 hour ago
There are dozens of such examples. The important thing to say in an answer is that it happens dozens of times. An example is helpful but not the primary info requested
– Double AA♦
47 mins ago
@Double it's true there are many. I'm not sure based on his language what his primary goal was.
– user6591
46 mins ago
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It's actually not that rare for the Shulchan Aruch to mention authorities by name. Here are a bunch of examples of different authorities mentioned:
In O.C. 34:1 he mentions a dispute involving Rashi, Rambam, and Rabbeinu Tam:
סדר הנחתן בבתיםלרש"י והרמב"ם קדש משמאל המניח בבית החיצון ואחריו כי יביאך בבית שני ושמע בבית השלישי והיה אם שמוע בבית הרביעי שהוא בית החיצון ב לימינו ולר"ת בבית השלישי והיה אם שמוע ובבית הרביעי שהוא החיצון שמע ומנהג העולם כרש"י והרמב"ם
In O.C. 185:5 he mentions an uncertainty that Tosafos and the Rosh had:
ואם בירך והיתה צואה כנגדו או שהיה שכור (פי' לגמרי) נסתפקו התוספות והרא"ש אם צריך לחזור ולברך ומשום מי רגלים פשיטא שאינו חוזר לברך
In O.C. 320:14 he mentions a dispute between R. Meir of Rothenberg and the Rosh:
הר"מ מרוטנבורג מתיר להטיל מי רגלים בשלג והרא"ש היה נזהר
O.C. 591:6 he mentions that the Ran and the Rosh defended a custom:
והרא"ש והר"ן כתבו לקיים המנהג
There are many other examples of this, some where multiple authorities are listed together or contrasted, and some where only one authority is cited.
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2 Answers
2 Answers
Here's a double naming in hilchos muktza:
הרשב"א מתיר לטלטל האיצטרלו"ב בשבת וכן ספרי החכמה ולדעת הרמב"ם יש להסתפק בדבר:
This one always stands out in my mind as the basis of the machlokes is arguably not in line with what we would say is each rabbi's philosophy about science.
– user6591
1 hour ago
First thing to pop on my mind
– sam
1 hour ago
There are dozens of such examples. The important thing to say in an answer is that it happens dozens of times. An example is helpful but not the primary info requested
– Double AA♦
47 mins ago
@Double it's true there are many. I'm not sure based on his language what his primary goal was.
– user6591
46 mins ago
add a comment |
Here's a double naming in hilchos muktza:
הרשב"א מתיר לטלטל האיצטרלו"ב בשבת וכן ספרי החכמה ולדעת הרמב"ם יש להסתפק בדבר:
This one always stands out in my mind as the basis of the machlokes is arguably not in line with what we would say is each rabbi's philosophy about science.
– user6591
1 hour ago
First thing to pop on my mind
– sam
1 hour ago
There are dozens of such examples. The important thing to say in an answer is that it happens dozens of times. An example is helpful but not the primary info requested
– Double AA♦
47 mins ago
@Double it's true there are many. I'm not sure based on his language what his primary goal was.
– user6591
46 mins ago
add a comment |
Here's a double naming in hilchos muktza:
הרשב"א מתיר לטלטל האיצטרלו"ב בשבת וכן ספרי החכמה ולדעת הרמב"ם יש להסתפק בדבר:
Here's a double naming in hilchos muktza:
הרשב"א מתיר לטלטל האיצטרלו"ב בשבת וכן ספרי החכמה ולדעת הרמב"ם יש להסתפק בדבר:
answered 1 hour ago
This one always stands out in my mind as the basis of the machlokes is arguably not in line with what we would say is each rabbi's philosophy about science.
– user6591
1 hour ago
First thing to pop on my mind
– sam
1 hour ago
There are dozens of such examples. The important thing to say in an answer is that it happens dozens of times. An example is helpful but not the primary info requested
– Double AA♦
47 mins ago
@Double it's true there are many. I'm not sure based on his language what his primary goal was.
– user6591
46 mins ago
add a comment |
This one always stands out in my mind as the basis of the machlokes is arguably not in line with what we would say is each rabbi's philosophy about science.
– user6591
1 hour ago
First thing to pop on my mind
– sam
1 hour ago
There are dozens of such examples. The important thing to say in an answer is that it happens dozens of times. An example is helpful but not the primary info requested
– Double AA♦
47 mins ago
@Double it's true there are many. I'm not sure based on his language what his primary goal was.
– user6591
46 mins ago
This one always stands out in my mind as the basis of the machlokes is arguably not in line with what we would say is each rabbi's philosophy about science.
– user6591
1 hour ago
This one always stands out in my mind as the basis of the machlokes is arguably not in line with what we would say is each rabbi's philosophy about science.
– user6591
1 hour ago
First thing to pop on my mind
– sam
1 hour ago
First thing to pop on my mind
– sam
1 hour ago
There are dozens of such examples. The important thing to say in an answer is that it happens dozens of times. An example is helpful but not the primary info requested
– Double AA♦
47 mins ago
There are dozens of such examples. The important thing to say in an answer is that it happens dozens of times. An example is helpful but not the primary info requested
– Double AA♦
47 mins ago
@Double it's true there are many. I'm not sure based on his language what his primary goal was.
– user6591
46 mins ago
@Double it's true there are many. I'm not sure based on his language what his primary goal was.
– user6591
46 mins ago
add a comment |
It's actually not that rare for the Shulchan Aruch to mention authorities by name. Here are a bunch of examples of different authorities mentioned:
In O.C. 34:1 he mentions a dispute involving Rashi, Rambam, and Rabbeinu Tam:
סדר הנחתן בבתיםלרש"י והרמב"ם קדש משמאל המניח בבית החיצון ואחריו כי יביאך בבית שני ושמע בבית השלישי והיה אם שמוע בבית הרביעי שהוא בית החיצון ב לימינו ולר"ת בבית השלישי והיה אם שמוע ובבית הרביעי שהוא החיצון שמע ומנהג העולם כרש"י והרמב"ם
In O.C. 185:5 he mentions an uncertainty that Tosafos and the Rosh had:
ואם בירך והיתה צואה כנגדו או שהיה שכור (פי' לגמרי) נסתפקו התוספות והרא"ש אם צריך לחזור ולברך ומשום מי רגלים פשיטא שאינו חוזר לברך
In O.C. 320:14 he mentions a dispute between R. Meir of Rothenberg and the Rosh:
הר"מ מרוטנבורג מתיר להטיל מי רגלים בשלג והרא"ש היה נזהר
O.C. 591:6 he mentions that the Ran and the Rosh defended a custom:
והרא"ש והר"ן כתבו לקיים המנהג
There are many other examples of this, some where multiple authorities are listed together or contrasted, and some where only one authority is cited.
add a comment |
It's actually not that rare for the Shulchan Aruch to mention authorities by name. Here are a bunch of examples of different authorities mentioned:
In O.C. 34:1 he mentions a dispute involving Rashi, Rambam, and Rabbeinu Tam:
סדר הנחתן בבתיםלרש"י והרמב"ם קדש משמאל המניח בבית החיצון ואחריו כי יביאך בבית שני ושמע בבית השלישי והיה אם שמוע בבית הרביעי שהוא בית החיצון ב לימינו ולר"ת בבית השלישי והיה אם שמוע ובבית הרביעי שהוא החיצון שמע ומנהג העולם כרש"י והרמב"ם
In O.C. 185:5 he mentions an uncertainty that Tosafos and the Rosh had:
ואם בירך והיתה צואה כנגדו או שהיה שכור (פי' לגמרי) נסתפקו התוספות והרא"ש אם צריך לחזור ולברך ומשום מי רגלים פשיטא שאינו חוזר לברך
In O.C. 320:14 he mentions a dispute between R. Meir of Rothenberg and the Rosh:
הר"מ מרוטנבורג מתיר להטיל מי רגלים בשלג והרא"ש היה נזהר
O.C. 591:6 he mentions that the Ran and the Rosh defended a custom:
והרא"ש והר"ן כתבו לקיים המנהג
There are many other examples of this, some where multiple authorities are listed together or contrasted, and some where only one authority is cited.
add a comment |
It's actually not that rare for the Shulchan Aruch to mention authorities by name. Here are a bunch of examples of different authorities mentioned:
In O.C. 34:1 he mentions a dispute involving Rashi, Rambam, and Rabbeinu Tam:
סדר הנחתן בבתיםלרש"י והרמב"ם קדש משמאל המניח בבית החיצון ואחריו כי יביאך בבית שני ושמע בבית השלישי והיה אם שמוע בבית הרביעי שהוא בית החיצון ב לימינו ולר"ת בבית השלישי והיה אם שמוע ובבית הרביעי שהוא החיצון שמע ומנהג העולם כרש"י והרמב"ם
In O.C. 185:5 he mentions an uncertainty that Tosafos and the Rosh had:
ואם בירך והיתה צואה כנגדו או שהיה שכור (פי' לגמרי) נסתפקו התוספות והרא"ש אם צריך לחזור ולברך ומשום מי רגלים פשיטא שאינו חוזר לברך
In O.C. 320:14 he mentions a dispute between R. Meir of Rothenberg and the Rosh:
הר"מ מרוטנבורג מתיר להטיל מי רגלים בשלג והרא"ש היה נזהר
O.C. 591:6 he mentions that the Ran and the Rosh defended a custom:
והרא"ש והר"ן כתבו לקיים המנהג
There are many other examples of this, some where multiple authorities are listed together or contrasted, and some where only one authority is cited.
It's actually not that rare for the Shulchan Aruch to mention authorities by name. Here are a bunch of examples of different authorities mentioned:
In O.C. 34:1 he mentions a dispute involving Rashi, Rambam, and Rabbeinu Tam:
סדר הנחתן בבתיםלרש"י והרמב"ם קדש משמאל המניח בבית החיצון ואחריו כי יביאך בבית שני ושמע בבית השלישי והיה אם שמוע בבית הרביעי שהוא בית החיצון ב לימינו ולר"ת בבית השלישי והיה אם שמוע ובבית הרביעי שהוא החיצון שמע ומנהג העולם כרש"י והרמב"ם
In O.C. 185:5 he mentions an uncertainty that Tosafos and the Rosh had:
ואם בירך והיתה צואה כנגדו או שהיה שכור (פי' לגמרי) נסתפקו התוספות והרא"ש אם צריך לחזור ולברך ומשום מי רגלים פשיטא שאינו חוזר לברך
In O.C. 320:14 he mentions a dispute between R. Meir of Rothenberg and the Rosh:
הר"מ מרוטנבורג מתיר להטיל מי רגלים בשלג והרא"ש היה נזהר
O.C. 591:6 he mentions that the Ran and the Rosh defended a custom:
והרא"ש והר"ן כתבו לקיים המנהג
There are many other examples of this, some where multiple authorities are listed together or contrasted, and some where only one authority is cited.
answered 44 mins ago
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I’d imagine opinions are cited by tefilin
– Dr. Shmuel
1 hour ago
There are dozens of such examples
– Double AA♦
50 mins ago