
Showing posts from April 15, 2019

Jean-Louis English Sommaire Biographie | Œuvres | Notes et références | Voir aussi | Menu de navigationmodifiermodifier le codeBiographieFichier d’autorité international virtuelInternational Standard Name IdentifierBibliothèque nationale de FrancedonnéesSystème universitaire de documentationBibliothèque du CongrèsWorldCat

Naissance en septembre 1939Naissance à AngersDécès en juin 2003Journaliste français du XXe siècleCollaborateur des Dernières Nouvelles d'AlsaceDécès à StrasbourgÉtudiant de l'université de NantesDécès à 63 ans AngersMaine-et-LoireStrasbourgjournalistecapitaine au long coursUniversité de Nantespresse quotidienne régionalegrand reporteréditorialisteFR3 AlsaceMémorial de l'Alsace-Moselle Pour les articles homonymes, voir English. Jean-Louis English Biographie Naissance 29 septembre 1939 Angers Décès 19 juin 2003 (à 63 ans) Strasbourg Nationalité Français Formation Université de Nantes Activité Journaliste Autres informations A travaillé pour Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata Jean-Louis English , né le 29 septembre 1939 à Angers (Maine-et-Loire) et mort le 19 juin 2003 à Strasbourg, est un journaliste d'information et homme de médias français. C'est l'un des grands noms du journalisme alsacien [ 1 ] . Sommaire 1 Bi

Standard test documents for new packages Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)Mutually exclusive options in packagesStructuring a collection of patches for various classes and packagesMultiple documents from a single dtxWhat is the gold standard of package documentation?Any suggestions/requests for features for a new package that allows disabling ligatures for (pre)selected words?How to write TikZ packagesWrote a new package. Is there some standard place to share?Packages `fighting' for the value of a lengthConsolidating similar packagesContributing to existing packages

How widely used is the term Treppenwitz? Is it something that most Germans know? What would be the ideal power source for a cybernetic eye? What is a Meta algorithm? Proof involving the spectral radius and the Jordan canonical form Can inflation occur in a positive-sum game currency system such as the Stack Exchange reputation system? Did Xerox really develop the first LAN? Is there a "higher Segal conjecture"? Is there a documented rationale why the House Ways and Means chairman can demand tax info? Why constant symbols in a language? Gastric acid as a weapon "Seemed to had" is it correct? Why is "Captain Marvel" translated as male in Portugal? How do I mention the quality of my school without bragging Why are there no cargo aircraft with "flying wing" design? Why is black pepper both grey and black? How discoverable are IPv6 addresses and AAAA names by potential attackers? Is the argument below valid? Are my PI

Command iint already defined, but i am not using the wasysym package Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)Command iint already definedmemoir class with subcaption and hyperref packagesusing combine class with revtex4-1 - command published already definedError, command already defined - IOP article with mhchemneq (not equal) command does not work anymoreLoading language package failsCan't Compile Because I haven't loaded Babel - But I'm not using Babel?command is not defined, fresh installationCommand already defined - IOP publication with mhchemmathabx package preventing not inside subsection titleCommand already defined, but where?

How to deal with a team lead who never gives me credit? How discoverable are IPv6 addresses and AAAA names by potential attackers? When is phishing education going too far? Why aren't air breathing engines used as small first stages Why did the IBM 650 use bi-quinary? Why is "Consequences inflicted." not a sentence? What is the correct way to use the pinch test for dehydration? How can I make names more distinctive without making them longer? Withdrew £2800, but only £2000 shows as withdrawn on online banking; what are my obligations? Using et al. for a last / senior author rather than for a first author How can players work together to take actions that are otherwise impossible? Super Attribute Position on Product Page Magento 1 What are the pros and cons of Aerospike nosecones? Why is black pepper both grey and black? What is this single-engine low-wing propeller plane? Single word antonym of "flightless" Does accepting a pardon