Discographie complète de Propagandhi Sommaire Démos | Albums Studio | Maxis (EP) | Albums partagés | En concert (live) | Menu de navigation

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Liste complète des chansons du groupe de musique Propagandhi par album.


  • 1 Démos

  • 2 Albums Studio

  • 3 Maxis (EP)

  • 4 Albums partagés

  • 5 En concert (live)

Démos |

1990. We Don't Get Paid, We Don't Get Laid, and Boy Are We Lazy (Indépendant)

1991. Fuck the Scene (Indépendant)

1992. Martial Law with a Cherry on Top (Indépendant)

Albums Studio |

1993. How to Clean Everything (Fat Wreck Chords)

  1. Anti-Manifesto - 3:36

  2. Head? Chest? Or Foot? - 2:04

  3. Hate, Myth, Muscle, Etiquette - 2:43

  4. Showdown (G.E./P.) - 3:47

  5. Ska Sucks - 1:50

  6. Middle Finger Response - 2:23

  7. Stick the Fucking Flag Up Your Goddam Ass, You Sonofabitch - 2:51

  8. Haillie Sellasse, Up Your Ass - 4:11

  9. Fuck Machine - 3:06

  10. This Might Be Satire - 1:34

  11. Who Will Help Me Bake This Bread? - 2:41

  12. I Want You to Want Me [Reprise de Cheap Trick] - 2:47

Durée totale : 33:33

1996. Less Talk, More Rock (Fat Wreck Chords)

  1. Apparently, I'm a "P.C. Fascist" (Because I Care About Both Human and Non-Human Animals) - 1:47

  2. Nailing Descartes to the Wall/(Liquid) Meat Is Still Murder - 1:04

  3. Less Talk, More Rock - 1:37

  4. Anchorless - 1:39

  5. Rio De San Atlanta, Manitoba - 0:39

  6. A Public Dis-Service Announcement from Shell - 1:25

  7. ...And We Thought Nation States Were a Bad Idea - 2:24

  8. I Was a Pre-Teen McCarthyist - 2:32

  9. Resisting Tyrannical Government - 2:15

  10. Gifts - 2:03

  11. The Only Good Fascist Is a Very Dead Fascist - 1:10

  12. A People's History of the World - 2:21

  13. The State-Lottery - 2:13

  14. Refusing to Be a Man - 2:40

Durée totale : 25:49

2001. Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes (Fat Wreck Chords, G7 Welcoming Committee Records)

  1. Mate Ka Moris Ukun Rasik An - 3:03

  2. Fuck the Border - 1:31

  3. Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes - 2:37

  4. Back to the Motor League - 2:40

  5. Natural Disasters - 2:04

  6. With Friends Like These, Who the Fuck Needs COINTELPRO? - 3:23

  7. Alright Monument, Baghdad - 2:27

  8. Ordinary People Do Fucked-Up Things when Fucked-Up Things Become Ordinary - 2:17

  9. Ladies' Nite in Loserville - 1:45

  10. Ego Fum Papa (I Am the Pope) - 1:38

  11. New Homes for Idle Hands - 1:44

  12. Bullshit Politicians - 1:33

  13. March of the Crabs - 1:56

  14. Purina Hall of Fame - 4:43

Durée totale : 33:21

2005. Potemkin City Limits (Fat Wreck Chords, G7 Welcoming Committee Records)

  1. A Speculative Fiction - 4:14

  2. Fixed Frequencies - 3:58

  3. Fedallah's Hearse - 4:00

  4. Cut into the Earth - 3:41

  5. Bringer of Greater Things - 2:45

  6. America's Army™ (Die Jugend Marschiert) - 4:42

  7. Rock for Sustainable Capitalism - 4:12

  8. Impending Halfhead - 1:14

  9. Life at Disconnect - 3:23

  10. Name and Address Withheld - 3:21

  11. Superbowl Patriot XXXVI (Enter the Mendicant) - 0:36

  12. Iteration - 5:19

Durée totale : 41:25

2009. Supporting Caste (G7 Welcoming Committee Records, Smallman Records)

  1. Night Letters - 3:53

  2. Supporting Caste - 4:58

  3. Tertium Non Datur - 3:17

  4. Dear Coach's Corner - 4:52

  5. This Is Your Life - 1:04

  6. Human(e) Meat (The Flensing of Sandor Katz) - 2:48

  7. Potemkin City Limits - 3:49

  8. The Funeral Procession - 4:15

  9. Without Love - 3:50

  10. Incalculable Effects - 2:09

  11. The Banger's Embrace - 2:13

  12. Last Will & Testament - 15:16

  13. Come To The Sabbath [chanson cachée]

Durée totale : 52:24

Maxis (EP) |

1993. How to Clean a Couple o' Things 7" (Fat Wreck Chords)

  1. Pigs Will Pay -

  2. Stick the Fucking Flag Up Your Goddam Ass, You Sonofabitch -

Durée totale : 5:00

1994. Where Quality Is Job #1 double 7" (Recess Records)

  1. Mutual Friend - 0:45

  2. And We Though Nation States Were a Bad Idea - 0:29

  3. Utter Crap Song - 2:27

  4. Oka Everywhere - 1:27

  5. Haillie Does Hebron - 2:19

  6. Homophobes Are Just Mad Cuz They Can't Get Laid - 0:32

  7. True (Concrete Blonde) - 3:31

  8. Todd's Incredibly Professional Station Id for 4zzz Brisbane - 1:42

  9. Contest Song - 1:40

  10. Firestorm, My Ass - 0:17

  11. Refusing to Be a Man [version alternative] - 2:15

  12. Resisting Tyrannical Government [version alternative] - 1:03

  13. Laplante Song [en concert] - 3:14

  14. Leg Hold Trap [en concert] - 2:25

  15. Laplante/Smith Song [en concert] - 1:48

  16. White, Proud and Stupid - 4:37

  17. Fine Day - 3:00

  18. Stand up and Be Counted (Venom) - 3:19

  19. Pigs Will Pay [en concert] - 2:53

  20. Government Cartoons [en concert] - 4:36

  21. Anti-Manifesto [en concert] - 2:13

  22. Less Talk, More Rock [en concert] - 3:32

  23. Gamble (Lowest of the Low Live) [en concert] - 4:00

  24. Ska Sucks [en concert] - 1:36

  25. Bent (Sudden Impact) - 4:20

  26. Degrassi Junior High Drop Outs - 1:48

  27. Hidden Curriculum - 2:12

  28. The Van Lament - 1:36

Durée totale : 65:36

Albums partagés |

1995. I'd Rather Be Flag-Burning 10" with I Spy (Recess Records)

1995. Propagandhi/F.Y.P. (a.k.a. "Letter of Resignation") 7" with F.Y.P. (Recess Records)

????. Systematic Destruction 7" with I Spy, Malefaction, Silence Equals (Bad Food For Thought Records)

En concert (live) |

1995. Yep. cassette (Applecore Records)
2007. Live from Occupied Territory DVD (G7 Welcoming Committee Records)

  1. Intro - 02:53

  2. With Friends Like These (Who The Fuck Needs COINTELPRO)? - 02:18

  3. Fuck The Border - 02:05

  4. Natural Disasters - 02:44

  5. Mate Ka Moris Ukun Rasik An - 02:47

  6. Less Talk, More Rock - 01:42

  7. Rio De San Atlanta, Manitoba - 00:45

  8. The People's History Of The World - 02:24

  9. The State Lottery - 02:16

  10. Name And Address Withheld - 03:23

  11. March Of The Crabs - 02:30

  12. Ladies' Nite In Loserville - 02:48

  13. Back To The Motor League - 04:30

  14. ...And We Thought Nation States Were A Bad Idea - 03:30

  15. Mutual Friend - 01:26

  16. Stick The Flag Up Your Ass - 03:00

  17. Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes - 03:13

  18. Superbowl Patriot XXXVI - 02:38

  19. Purina Hall Of Fame - 05:16

  20. Wake Up America - 03:14

  21. True - 01:30

  22. Hard Times - 02:09

Durée totale : 59:02

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